Student Income Ideas

There comes a time during college that a little earned income can go a long ways. Here are some tips on where to get some extra cash:

On-Campus Employment

Many schools have on-campus employment positions that are not part of the federal work-study program. Some of these positions offer tuition discounts and a wage for your service.


What's nice about on-campus employment is that positions are generally flexible considering your class schedule and needs. Additionally, you can easily get to work, return the class, and then go back to work without having to commute.

check your school's employment office for information

Campus Housing Manager

Some schools and private housing units will waive or reduce housing costs if you become a residential manager. You will be required to answer calls, keep up maintenance, and address service issues.


Housing managers can maintain a work schedule that coincides with your academic schedule. Another nice benefit is that your work schedule is at your place of living.

Check the area's student housing units for information. They will likely put you on a waiting list that might be worth something to you in the future.

Search Local Yellow Pages for Housing
Look for Local Employment

Many area businesses welcome college student employees especially in establishments that cater to students. Many of the these employers offer flexible working hours.


Check these job sites for employment information:

  • Job listing for students from many brand-name retail and other name companies:

    another posting of summer jobs:

    job postings exclusively for teens and students:

  • Internship Programs:
    internships in your field of interest is a great way to get experience that will help you college

  • Search Classified ads in LOCAL PAPERS:
    you will find many local jobs through your local online classifieds:
Work from Your Dorm or Apartment

There are a few work-at-home employment opportunities that pay based on the hours that you work. This allows you flexibility to set your work schedule around your academic schedule.

view this book on Home-Employment Opportunities

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